Friday, 26 March 2010


I prepared the model for animation by positioning it and altering the position of the legs.

Using the biped tools, I manually made the walking sequence. For this, I altered the X position of the biped, while keeping one foot attached to the plane below. When the other leg was in position, I set that to stay fixed to the plane while moving the other. I used the copy and past pose tools to make it more accurate.

I saved the sequence as a .bip so I could use it again for my scenes.

Saturday, 20 March 2010


I used UVW unwrap to get a map for my model. I reduced the angle to make it easier, as the model is meant to be cartoon-style, there is little detail in it's texture.

I loaded the image into photoshop, coloured the areas and saved it to my model.

The eyes themselves are spheres with symmetry, and a texture applied to them.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

I began weighting all of the vertices to their respective bones.

I used the mirror mode tool to copy the weights on one side to the other. This sped up the process dramatically.

Monday, 15 March 2010

I discovered that it would be easier to cut the model in half and use symmetry to complete the legs and feet. Also, it would make adding bones simpler. I added a biped and begun matching it to my model. I increased the number of spine links, added a tail and added ponytails for the beak.

I finished the blue side, making changes as I went. When it was done, the leg, toes and wing were in place.

I copied the pose to the green side and it matched perfectly.

I added the skin modifier to the model and began to weight the vertices to the biped.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

I made two polygons smaller, then extruded them to form the legs.

I continued extending the legs to form the shape.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


I extended one side to form the wing, then added a meshsmooth to see how it would look, and to check for errors.

I repeated the process for the other wing and MeshSmooth'd again, giving my model the appearance of an actual bird.

I decided the head and neck were more reminiscent of a hummingbird rather than a crow, so I had to find a way to change it.