In this scene, you can see the pebbles going into the water repeatedly. As this happens, the water ripples and raises. This occurs 3 times in the scene. The animation is created by there being 3 pebbles waiting to fall. They are set as unyielding, meaning they aren't affected by the gravity. When they are needed, the unyielding checkbox is unchecked, and an animation is created for the next 100 frames. The camera and the pitcher are the moving objects, rather than the water.
I had alot of problems with this scene, the first of which being finding a way to get the pebbles to drop one at a time. I tried setting them up one above another, but the gravity caused them to accelerate and have too much force. This was solved as stated above. The next problem was the water would go wildly out of control after 4 pebbles for some reason, to fix this I kept the number to 3 maximum. The next problem was the lack of ripples from the drops. This was caused by the plane moving when raising the water. I fixed this by removing the pitcher from the rigid body collection, and moving it and the camera instead.
The raising of the water isn't supposed to be realistic, as it's just to make it obvious that the water level is rising. However, I could have done drop->raise->drop->raise, but I prefer this motion.
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